Archives for July 2016

SOS Now Available At SoulPaper

Soul Paper logoSoulPaper, the sweetest, most browsable shop on 20th Street in Saskatoon bills itself as a premier paperie and creative hub. And it is all that, and more.

Thanks so much to proprietor, Susan Gallagher, for including Sketches of Saskatoon for sale amongst the many gifts and books carried in the shop. Since the first copies first went on display in May, Susan has called twice to have me replenish their stock. It seems SoulPaper clientele are great fans of Sketches of Saskatoon.

The only ‘problem’ is that each time I drop more books at the shop, I always take a look around at what’s on offer. And, I always find a thing or two I just have to purchase before I leave. 🙂

If you haven’t yet visited SoulPaper, be sure to drop in at 118-20th Street West. You’ll be delighted you did!

CAA Summer Magazine Feature on Sketches of Saskatoon

CAA Composite Clipping-150Thanks to the fine folks at CAA Saskatchewan for including a promo feature on Sketches of Saskatoon in their Summer 2016 magazine. You can read it for yourself here. Just click on the clipping to enlarge.

And, you can pick up your copies of SOS at the Saskatchewan Travel Shops and also through the CAA Online Shop.

Sketches makes a great gift for your travels, your hosts, and your guests who might be visiting you.